Summer Holidays at Rustavi Homeless Children Center planned by CSDC

In spite of the hot summer days, the children of the Caritas Rustavi Homeless Children Day Center in Georgia spent their holidays in an interesting and productive way.
As part of the Transitional Program in Education, the CSDC offers children a wide variety of cognitive and entertaining activities.
The August holidays started with the screening of the movie "minus 22 degrees of Celsius". It's based on a real story, dedicated to a friendship of dogs and humans. After the screening of the film, participants in a discussion said that "dogs can have a treacherous and loyal friendship with humans."
During the summer holidays, the children were eagerly preparing for the cognitive-intellectual game “What? Where? When? During the work, the children performed exercises from the cognitive magazines Kids Carousel Batibuta and Chicocchio. The magazines use many legends, myths or foreign literature, thought-provoking texts that raise children's interest in and motivation for reading.
It was fun for them: drawing logical sentences, grouping objects, finding the difference between two similar pictures, writing sentences by drawing letters in circles. Competition “What? Where? When? At the end, the active participants were identified and awarded as "Best Thinkers".
The painting competition "This is my beautiful Georgia" was especially impressive. Paintings by the children in cheerful and sharp colors still adorn the rooms in the center of Rustavi.
It is also noteworthy that children learned to read and use the clock, read many interesting stories, such as the parable of the king of water and the peasant, the champion diver; The mythological stories - "Who are the Vikings," "The Myth of the Argonauts" - were particularly stirring.
The pupils of the center also had fun in group competitions: guessing puzzles, finishing proverbs, saying poems, guessing words, creating new words with fast-moving grains - games like these will never grow old.
It must be noted that the transitional program in education is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia by the non-governmental organization Civil Society Development Center (CSDC).

Article author: Nino Chitishvili

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